Thursday, January 9, 2014

Isn't She Lovely! 

Well, she finally came today! I made sure my house was pretty much clean this morning so that I could just enjoy the evening with out having anything pressing to do. I steeped a relaxing chamomile blend with rose petals, sleepy time vanilla, and blueberry for color and it smells heavenly! One of my favorite blends for my new favorite tea cup! Now it's time to cuddle up in my PJ's next to Will (playing his Xbox of course!) and spend my evening exactly how I imagined! What are you sipping tonight?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To Her Majesty the Queen!

I'm so excited about the next few months! BellaBlitz Boutique is wrapping up and Bella Dream Designs is taking off. :) I'm so happy about the switch in my shops which will lighten my load quite a bit. Things seem to be pulling themselves together this New Year and my list of New Year resolutions are seeming more manageable as long as I don't slack! Lol. 

My first grand tea cup will be joining my collection and I'm so excited for it to arrive in the next few days! I want to work really hard and get all my work done around the house today and tomorrow so when it comes I can just sit back, relax, watch Downton, and sip tea for a day or two! Anyways, my AMAZING husband bought my teacup for me for my Valentines gift. I know it's early but I was just in LOVE with this cup and he knew it! I've attached the pictures that the seller had taken to give you a little sneak peek. It's a stunning blue Paragon English tea cup and saucer set from 1965. Paragon (as you can see on the stamp) is honored by being one of the companies that provided china to the Queen! (At one time or another. Lol) The gold and white edging on the rims are also embossed/raised. I will post pictures of its' first tea when it comes!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Beginning of an Old Adventure!

I always have enjoyed a nice and fragrant pot of herbal tea. It seems to always take me to a less busy and more peaceful world! It started years ago for me but has seemed to be a very enjoyable hobby for me that has just increased in desire and intrigue. Another "hobby" of mine that I recently acquired a year or so ago is of course Downton Abbey! I just love every episode and have already seen the whole 4th season that has not yet started here in the United States. :) I was just instantly attracted to it and of course Mary and Matthew!

I always knew that my family line came from England but it was not until a few days ago that I finally got onto and looked at our genealogy for myself! I was amazed that my family line had only been in the United States from England for two generations before me! The one ancestor I knew a bit about, and have a beautiful ring of hers, was actually way closer in my line to me than I thought (being my great grandmother) and remarkably enough is buried right here in the town which I live! I'm so excited to go to the cemetery to see her burial site being that she is a person that I've truly admired her story. I can't wait to dive in even deeper and get to know all of the amazing individuals in my line!

So with that, I decided to start my Tea Time Parties this spring as a fun way to catch up with the girls and keep a little bit of inherited tradition alive! I've been busy learning more about the history of tea gatherings and vintage tea cups and I'm starting a small but beautiful collection of fine china tea cups from England to share at my parties! As I acquire each cup I will share them with you on "Tea Time at Downton" with their history along with posts on the history of tea time and proper tea party etiquette in case you want to invite a little bit of Downton into your own home! What a beautiful and simple life it truly is!